Ein gemeinsamer Event von Girls in Tech, BPW Switzerland, Female Founder Initiative und der Programmkommission des BPW Clubs Zürich zum Thema des diesjährigen Internationalen Frauentags.
Datum: 8.3.2023, 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Kraftwerk, Impact Hub Zürich, https://goo.gl/maps/mfHZY4LB4rZhkn1Z8
Grösse: ca 100-120 Personen
Sprache: Englisch
Preis: Nur CHF 5
Tickets: hier
Wichtig: Vergünstigter Ticketverkauf für BPW wird über die interne LinkedIn Gruppe von BPW Switzerland verkündet! --> https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7460185/
Female Founder Initiative and Girls in Tech Switzerland are excited to invite you to a special event on March 8th. Join us on International Women’s Day to celebrate diversity in tech, in the start-up world, and beyond.
Celebrate International Women’s Day with us through a community & networking event co-hosted by the Female Founder Initiative and joined by our friends from BPW Switzerland, BPW Zurich and maruu. All genders welcome!
Weitere Details zum Anlass
Weitere Infos zum International Women's Day sind hier zu finden.